
I have been trying to think of some nice activities to do during this period of time at home. I thought my year 7 students and my own child might like this activity. I initially made this activity for her to complete and she liked it. I asked her if she could find different ways to complete it and then I thought I’d share it with my year 7 class.


She asked me for some more pentomino tasks for tomorrow so I am creating a few more.IMG_1072IMG_5209

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Today my child said to me she wanted to try to make shapes with 3 pentominoes. I thought I’d try this out. The fact she was keen to carry on with these types of problems made me happy. She really loved working them out.

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Today we were playing around with a few sets of pentominoes together and seeing which identical shapes could make the same shape as another two identical shapes. This is where this task came from:

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Last one for a while…

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Ok, that break didn’t last long but I’m just adding the one I had and I hadn’t shared.

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A more tricky one…

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Screenshot 2020-06-21 at 23.02.36

3 thoughts on “Pentominoes

    • I’m sure someone more technical than me can create that. have the pieces and they can be made to play around with which my daughter liked doing.


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